Zweierband_EU_BW_de (2)
Zweierband_EU_BW_de (2)
Planung 23.09.2021
Planung 23.09.2021

Mommertz GmbH Relocates to New Facility

Asselfingen, [Jan 2024] – Mommertz GmbH is pleased to announce the relocation to its new facility. The new business premises are now located at Lerchenweg 4, 89176 Asselfingen. Along with this move, the company’s contact details have been updated. The new phone number is: 07345 2100160.
The move to the modern and spacious building marks a significant milestone in the history of Mommertz GmbH. Employees are thrilled with the improved working conditions and the state-of-the-art facilities that the new building offers.
“The move to our new facility represents a significant step for Mommertz GmbH,” said Anna Küppers, Managing Director of Mommertz GmbH. “Our new premises enable us to streamline our workflows and create a pleasant working environment for our employees. We are confident that these changes will further enhance our innovation capabilities and customer service.”

Supported by EFRE BW – Spitze auf dem Land

The relocation of Mommertz GmbH was supported by the funding program “Spitze auf dem Land!” through the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) in Baden-Württemberg. This support enabled the company to make key investments in the new facility, thereby significantly boosting its development and future growth.

About Mommertz GmbH
Mommertz GmbH is a leading company in the field of neutralization systems for acidic condensates. Since 1986, the company has been offering high-quality solutions for the neutralization of acidic condensates and has established a strong market presence. With a strong focus on quality and customer satisfaction, Mommertz GmbH continuously strives for innovation and growth.


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Mommertz named Innovation Champion

Überlingen - Letting go of old ways and daring to try something new: Innovative medium-sized companies like Mommertz GmbH from Günzburg are not afraid of change, but see it as an opportunity. This convinced the company in the 27th round of the TOP 100 innovation competition. As of June 19, Mommertz is officially one of the TOP 100. In the scientific selection process, the company impressed particularly in the categories of "Innovation-promoting Top Management" and "Innovation Climate" in size class A (up to 50 employees).

As a provider of neutralization systems for the heating industry, the TOP 100 company from Günzburg protects underground canal systems from damage caused by acidic condensates, thereby actively contributing to groundwater protection. To meet their own demands, the executives have established a stimulating innovation climate: In a circle of sales, engineering, research, and development, creative ideas, improvement suggestions, and market trends come together. The management is leading the way. They coordinate and prioritize product tests and prototype construction before innovations are examined for feasibility, added value, and technical improvements. "Innovations do not arise in a vacuum, but in an environment that enables employees to develop creative ideas," says Managing Director Anna Küppers.

External impulses are also important to her, as well as trends from unrelated industries. These often provide inspiration for performance improvements, new handling or optimized maintenance of the neutralization systems. To measure innovation successes, the top innovator relies on factors such as quality standards, error rates, and complaints. Above all, however, they trust the assessment of the 15 employees: The top management involves them closely in the development of new products and offers them incentives to contribute. "Many innovative ideas are developed in a continuous improvement process," says the managing director.

TOP 100: the competition

Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal for special innovation strength and above-average innovation success to medium-sized companies. Since 2002, the scientific management has been in the hands of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke. Franke is the founder and board member of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The mentor of TOP 100 is the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the promotion of applied research and the BVMW. The manager magazin, impulse, and W&V accompany the company comparison as media partners. More information can be found at

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