Neutrakon® Pro HD200  - tailored to your specific needs!


Tailored to Your Specific Needs!
The new Neutrakon® Pro HD200 – Heavy Duty with 200 kg of granulate is designed to meet your individual requirements.
Even for special projects, you can rely on us! Mommertz GmbH was commissioned to manufacture a neutralization system for a combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 5000 liters/hour and a chimney measuring approximately 68 meters in height and 8.5 meters in diameter.
With its impressive dimensions of approximately 120 x 100 x 80 cm and a solid 200kg of granulate, our neutralization system is optimally sized for the chimney's dimensions.
Contact us at any time to discuss your specific needs and to receive a customized solution.

  • 3 Kondensatrutsche anheben
  • Ablauf 110 mit Manschette
  • Box Zulafseite mit Hahn
  • Bodenaufbau Dichtstreifen
  • DSC_0655
  • DSC_0658
  • Box Ablaufseite
